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The Brilliant Balance Blog

Here’s your peek into what’s on my mind and on my heart as we navigate this full chapter of life together .  

Inspiration for a brilliantly balanced life.

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Episode #317: Streamlining the Season: Strategies for Professional Moms to Handle Holiday To-Dos

In today’s episode, Cherylanne shares strategies to help busy professional moms to handle holiday to-dos. This kicks off a series of holiday episodes that will carry you from here to the New Year with more ease and more joy. As the holiday season approaches, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by all the tasks that need […]

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I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Stop Feeling So Tired All The Time: 8 hacks for working women that really work!

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The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can seem scary. And understandably so. With so many holiday season milestones looming and approaching faster and faster, it’s easy to hit the panic button and live in dread of the stress surrounding them instead of joyful anticipation and holiday cheer. But what if we could take […]

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When December arrives, you might feel like it’s time to slip into your holiday role. You cook, host parties, wrap gifts, and plan everything start to finish. The days feel rushed and without holiday spirit. It’s easy to get trapped in making sure everyone else has a good time. You always want to give, but […]

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With everything going on right now in the world, in your life, and in your home, sometimes this season can feel more chaotic than enjoyable. In this episode, I discuss three opportunities you have to grab a moment of calm and solitude amid the hectic holidays. Show highlights include: How to set yourself up for […]

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While Thanksgiving might look a little different this year, there’s one thing that won’t change even through a Zoom gathering… family tensions!  If gathering with family has you feeling stressed out, this episode is for you! Listen as I share my best tips for maintaining your peace of mind and staying balanced during the holidays.  […]

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The holidays are full of family, friends, and cheer, but can also come with a fair amount of stress. And this alone can take its toll on you. But did you know – sometimes you are actually adding to your stress and don’t even know it? Today I’m going to discuss the four major aspects […]

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Thanksgiving is meant to be a happy time – a time where family and friends come together, celebrate and reflect on the year. But for many people, Thanksgiving can spark anxiety, stress, and even dread. Whether you struggle with the travel, activities, or crazy family dynamics, it can take the magic out of the holiday […]

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You in November: Christmas is coming! I can’t wait. Baileys, sparkly lights, buying presents, Michael Buble. What’s not to love? You in December: OH MY GOODNESS! I am so overwhelmed. There’s so freaking much to do. Is it over yet? Can you relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed during the holidays…the feeling that your […]

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The holiday season is fast approaching. The brisk weather, festive wreaths, and towering Christmas trees should top off the happiest season of all. But for many women – especially mothers – this festive period can bring on a whole new set of expectations that make the season less about enjoying fun and family, and more […]

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