Health & Well Being

Episode #215 – Stop playing “Self on the Shelf” [Encore Episode]

December 7, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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When December arrives, you might feel like it’s time to slip into your holiday role. You cook, host parties, wrap gifts, and plan everything start to finish. The days feel rushed and without holiday spirit.

It’s easy to get trapped in making sure everyone else has a good time. You always want to give, but are unable to receive. Why?

When you don’t take time for yourself, the holidays become bland. You miss out on experiences with people you care about and get lost in the agenda. You plan the fun without ever experiencing it.

In this episode, you’ll discover how to take your ‘Self Off The Shelf’ and feel the holiday magic more this year.

Show highlights include:

  • How to stop playing ‘Self On The Shelf’ and celebrate the seasonal magic this year.  (4:12)
  • How to enjoy holiday baking with the Whole Cookie hack (instead of working hard for everyone else). (8:10)
  • Why you don’t need to throw a perfect party for people to have the best time. (9:54)
  • The two ways you can experience the most holiday magic (and avoid watching from the sidelines). (13:50)


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