Join a Community of Powerful Women Who Are Rewriting the Rules of Having it All

Boldly pursue
your full potential

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Events & Experiences

Anchor into community at quarterly in-person events, where you have space to plan, dream, re-energize, and connect with your peers and coaches.

Coaching & Community

Join a community of women where you can effortlessly switch from discussing business strategies to handling picky eaters and sharing wild dreams—all in one conversation.

Expert-led Training

Build your next chapter with confidence via on-demand training, proven systems and frameworks to help you dream bigger, plan better, and execute with ease.

An exclusive membership for women leaders to support you at the intersection of work and life 

Join Us in Bold

The thought of stepping down or walking away crosses your mind, but deep down, you know that stifling your ambition isn’t the solution. It’s core to who you are.

Despite all you’ve achieved, admitting you want more feels complicated. Shouldn’t you be satisfied?

As a woman at the top, you juggle work, life, and family in ways your male counterparts don’t.

You take pride in mentoring women who follow in your footsteps, but who can mentor you?

You still have doubts and fears but, with everyone looking to you for answers there’s little room to show uncertainty.

You’re the Wonder Woman who beat the odds and climbed the ranks.

You’re often the only woman in the room at work, and among friends, precious few share your level of professional responsibility.

It’s hard to find anyone who fully understands your challenges. 

Empowering ambitious women to bring their brilliance to every aspect of their life


Every day is packed with decision-making, and while you excel at it, decision fatigue is real. You want proven systems to help you dream bigger, plan better, and execute your next chapter with confidence.

You require systems and frameworks to streamline your life.

While those are valuable, you crave practical knowledge, wise perspective, and accountability to propel you forward.

You need mentorship that goes beyond mindset shifts.

A peer group where you can effortlessly switch from discussing business strategies to handling picky eaters and sharing wild dreams—all in one conversation.

You crave a community of women who truly understand you.

Together, we are thriving


We advise extraordinary women who are pursuing their full potential in business and life.

Join Us in Bold

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"I love being a pilot but it is definitely a male-dominated field. I’d dreamed of connecting female pilots across airlines and supporting young girls who aspired to careers in aviation. I joined Brilliant Balance to find community, accountability, and guidance in pursuing my dream of starting my nonprofit. What I found led me to dream bigger than I thought possible; beyond starting that nonprofit (called F.A.S.T.), I also wrote a book, stepped into public speaking, and became a coach myself. It’s true that doing work you find purpose in multiplies your time and energy!"

Dawn used her career as an aviator as the launchpad for founding a nonprofit and writing a book 

DAWN, Pilot, author and speaker

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For Women
It's Lonely at the Top

You’ve worked tirelessly to reach the top of your field, but now you struggle to find mentors to help you reach the next level or peers who truly understand the pressures you face daily. In BOLD, you’ll find both.

BOLD mentors push you to excel while offering compassion and encouragement. Navigate leadership pressures with confidence, balancing high expectations with self-kindness.

Cultivate Compassion for Yourself

BOLD provides the accountability you need to stay focused on long-term goals. Keep your big dreams in sight, ensuring daily demands don't derail your progress.

Strong Support Meets Tough Love

BOLD empowers you to manage your workload and master the art of finding flow. Learn to delegate, prioritize self-care, and confidently say no to tasks that don't align with your goals.

Grow Without Burnout

BOLD refines your leadership skills, from strategic decision-making to empathetic team management. Influence both up the chain and across your teams, transforming your leadership and amplifying your impact.

Elevate Your Influence

BOLD offers precise, tactical guidance to bridge the gap between big-picture strategies and day-to-day actions. Turn knowledge into results-driven action and propel your strategic growth.

Beyond Strategy, Into Action

BOLD creates a space for conversations that span business strategies to personal triumphs. Join a sisterhood of groundbreaking women who cheer for every victory and support every challenge.

Join Your Power Circle

"When I found Brilliant Balance, I was a new business owner and expecting my third child, so I wasn't sure it was a great time to start coaching! But since starting the program, my business has literally tripled and I've been able to develop systems at home and work to be more present for my growing family alongside growing my business."

Brittni's business has grown 3X since starting the program and she recently implemented a summer sabbatical schedule to spend time with her family.


BoLD Membership

Sometimes you just need to go deep and stay there - when that happens, you can schedule a strategy day with Cherylanne to hash out the details of a project, priority or decision.

Accelerate with a Strategy Day

Step away from your daily responsibilities to think, reflect, and refuel yourself with the support of your peers. You'll return rejuvenated and fired up for what's next.

REJUVENATE, Dream and Plan

Quarterly in-person events give you a chance to connect with your peers and coaches for enriching experiences.

Connect with your community


With our expert-led, evidence based approach, you're in capable hands. We're leveraging decades of real world experience and the latest tools and techniques to get you results that move the needle on your productivity and potential.

Evidence based approaches

Monthly expert guest coaching elevates your environment by connecting you with experts & thought-leaders.

Elevate Your Skills Anytime, Anywhere

We’ll develop a personalized coaching pathway with you, leveraging Brilliant Balance resources and your individual goals to build a blueprint and an annual plan that is just right for you.

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Success



Weekly high-impact sessions with our coaches, designed to energize you and refocus your priorities. Plus peer-led circles for on-demand support, collaboration and celebration throughout the week.

Collective Growth and Connection

Individual sessions focus on your specific goals, offering tailored support to celebrate wins or navigate challenges that pull you out of momentum.

Monthly 1:1 Personalized Coaching

Monthly expert guest coaching to elevate your environment by connecting with experts & thought-leaders.

Learn from the BesT

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Onboard and
join your cohort

Complete a 360 life review and create your customized coaching pathway. Meet your coach and the women who will help you build your blueprint and execute a progressive annual plan.

Complete the
application process

Complete a short application and schedule a call with one of our coaches to make sure we can help you meet your goals through a BOLD membership.

Get your
questions answered

You have questions; we have answers. Ask us anything you need to know to decide if applying to BOLD is the right next step for you.

Grow into your full potential this year 
as a member of BOLD

A simple process




Get the clarity you need to take your next step

have questions?

Contact Form

Contact Form

Our team will happily answer any questions you have via email as quickly as possible.


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