Productivity & Time Management

Episode #178 – 5 R’s of Inbox Management (How to get out of email jail for good)

March 23, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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In an age of communication overload, your email inbox can become so overwhelming and unorganized that you don’t even want to look at it.

And while you can try to hide from your inbox, you can only live a calmer and more productive life by truly escaping ‘email jail.’

In this episode, you’ll discover five steps to decluttering your inbox with such ease and organization that you’ll never feel the buildup of unwanted email again!

Show highlights include:

  • How you got trapped in ‘email jail’ and what you can do right now to escape your over-flooded inbox  (0:53)
  • Why store emails keep creeping around in your inbox and how to instantly remove yourself from hundreds of subscriber lists (7:23)
  • How to stop using your inbox as a “digital memory bank” and prioritize emails by importance as soon as they come in (13:23)
  • The daily ritual that makes checking your email stress-free and how to design lifelong habits for your most organized inbox yet (18:22)


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  1. Laura Pettitt says:

    Thanks Cherylanne! I am definitely going to be implementing this process. My emails are a source of constant stress, so I would love to get them under control.

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