Purpose & Dreams

Episode #177 – Channel your Inner Superhero with author Todd Herman

March 16, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Growing up, did you ever pretend to fight crime like a superhero or perform like your favorite entertainer? You got to define the rules of the world! But eventually, you were forced to drop the act and ‘grow up’ in your adult years.

But the power of a secret identity is exactly what top athletes and entrepreneurs use to fearlessly conquer challenges and achieve limitless success.

In this episode, global mindset coach and mentor Todd Herman shares deep truths about overcoming trauma and self-doubt to maximize success, and why transforming your life starts with the hero already inside you.

Show highlights include:

  • The “90-Day Year” approach to organizing your calendar and living life by your rules (2:00)
  • The hidden forces holding you back from finding your ‘superpower’ and living out your full potential (9:30)
  • Why identity can limit you and the character traits you already have for maximizing success right now (15:20)
  • Why “being nice” actually holds people back, and how to showcase your talents and lift up your friends immediately (25:00)
  • Why the ‘boss lady’ and ‘mom’ never meet, and how to bring your right self at the right time for elevated success and freedom in life (31:24)



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Find out more about Brilliant Balance & book a free chat with Cherylanne: https://brilliant-balance.com/schedule

Regain control of your schedule with our free guide: https://brilliant-balance.com/calendar

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Learn more about Todd’s work and the Alter Ego Effect: https://toddherman.me

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