Health & Well Being

Episode #173 – Don’t get mad, get curious.

February 16, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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Do you sometimes have a short fuse, bottled anger, or react explosively to things? Whether it’s directed at the pandemic, politics, or even something your kids said, it’s important to understand that anger and grow from it.

Breaking cycles and patterns of bad behavior starts with curiosity. Ask yourself: what is really going on here?

In this episode, I’ll share how to transform anger into a powerhouse of curiosity, opportunities, and radical change.

Show highlights include:

  • How the world was thrown into a mental health crisis overnight and what steps move you away from the chaos right now. (0:40)
  • The real reason you snapped at your kids for rolling their eyes and a better response to use next time. (3:45)
  • How dialogue can divide us – and the questions to bring you closer to your loved ones instantly. (7:17)
  • How a little patience transforms even your worst anger into everlasting peace. (10:14)

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