An open letter to myself (and anyone else who needs to hear this):
You are doing enough. Truly, you are. December is not trying to bring you down. And you are not the only one trying to hold it all together in the name of providing a memorable holiday experience for everyone around you. But if you keep going at this pace you are going to break.
You are a human and as such you require things like sleep and food and quiet time in which to think.
Find your anchors. You know what they are. Don’t compromise them in the name of getting more done because whenever you do, it shows. Staying up later or skipping a workout are the opposite of good decisions, as tempting as they may be.
The most important thing you can do today is probably not even on your to do list.
So first, take something off your list. Actually, make that two. Maybe even three. There is craziness on that list that you are bringing upon yourself. No one is even going to notice if you let it go. Perhaps not even you. So cross it off before you’ve even begun.
Then, do this:
Just go with the ponytail (again).
Have a cup of coffee with your mom.
Write in your Advent devotional.
Go for a run to clear your head.
Keep the lunch date.
Play Christmas music.
Snuggle with the kids by the fireplace.
Say yes to their hundredth request for hot cocoa.
Go to bed on time.
In a few days, no matter what you do or don’t do, Christmas will come.
The biggest gift you can give yourself is to be fully present when it does.