Health & Well Being

Episode #65 – The Real Reason You Don’t Work Out (and What to do About it)

January 22, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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You’re busy. You’re tired. You’re in charge of the kids.

I’ve been there. But if these are your three big reasons for not working out (even though you WANT to), then today’s episode is for you.

I’m sharing three very simple shifts that will get you in gear so that working out with consistency is actually EASY.

Not only that, but I’m going to help you uncover the real reason you’re not working out so you can get past it once and for all.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • A solid strategy for making time for fitness (5:00)
  • A common workout ‘planning’ mistake that trips most women up…and how you can quickly fix this (6:00)
  • The ideal workout length to make sure you stay consistent to your health and fitness goals without ever falling off the wagon (9:00)
  • When skipping the gym and working out at home could be more beneficial for you (11:00)
  • Two of the most practical fitness apps for at-home workouts (11:30)
  • A handy trick to help you actually stick to your workouts…even if you don’t have a personal trainer (15:10)


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  1. Jordi Ragland says:

    Thank you for this pod cast. I really needed that. I have a very difficult life with 5 kids, two with rare diseases and basically a single parent.

    • Cherylanne says:

      Jordi – I can imagine it’s especially difficult to make time for the practices that keep you energized … I hope these strategies help you find a solid baseline!

  2. Angie says:

    Really get value from your podcasts Thoughts are expressed clearly and topics are of great value. Looking forward to next week. Thanks Cherylanne!

  3. This was incredibly helpful.

  4. Catherine says:

    Very practical ideas – love the podcast!
    It’s on my calendar every week 😀

  5. Jamie says:

    Oh my goodness this totally spoke to me! I handle every aspect of my day but have always struggled to making exercise a priority. This helped me realized the “why”. I will make changes and definitely grow from this! Thank you!

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