Health & Well Being

Episode # 311 – Empowering Women’s Health: An Inspiring Story of Overcoming Challenges with Dr. Dawn Mussallem

October 10, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
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In this episode of the Brilliant Balance podcast, Cherylanne welcomes Dr. Dawn Mussallem, a remarkable woman who has triumphed over stage four cancer and a heart transplant. Their conversation is filled with inspiration, resilience, and a profound perspective on living a healthy and fulfilling life. Dr. Mussallem shares her own experiences and offers valuable insights on nutrition, spirituality, and the transformative power of organ transplantation.

This episode is a must-listen for women seeking motivation, guidance, and a reminder of the strength we hold within ourselves.

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Show Highlights Include:

  • Transforming adversity into inspiration: Meet Dr. Dawn Mussallem 00:00:08
  • How do inherited emotions affect our well-being? 00:14:03
  • Overcoming tragedy and finding strength within grief 00:18:30
  • How a near-death experience can unlock beautiful stillness and love 00:21:47
  • Why a plant based diet is good for your health  00:32:37
  • The mysteries behind food choices and their consequences 00:37:02
  • The risks and benefits of different lifestyle choices 00:39:15
  • Why fitting into your old jeans might not be enough 00:42:17
  • What can you do to improve your health? 00:47:35
  • Perfect isn’t necessary, but how important is it? 00:48:50

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