Health & Well Being

Episode #310 – Superwoman Syndrome: The Double-Edged Sword of Overachievement

October 3, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Have you ever been called “superwoman” and felt a burst of pride in your ability to get everything and anything done? But realize later that the feeling was overrated?

While considering yourself a “superwoman” gives you a short-lived rush, it also burdens you with heavy and unrealistic expectations.

These unrealistic expectations can riddle you with guilt. It can feel like you’re failing at your job. But you’re not. Because doing everything is not your job.

Here’s the truth:

When others give you the “superwoman” tag, it gradually—then suddenly—takes a toll on your career, your relationships, and your health.

So, how do you balance your drive to overachieve with the real-world consequences of “Superwoman Syndrome.”

In today’s episode, you’ll discover how to overcome your “Superwoman Syndrome” before it wrecks your career, relationships, and health. Plus, I reveal how to set realistic expectations so you don’t fall into the trap of overachievement.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • The 5 unrealistic characteristics of a ‘superwoman’ (and why you must quickly act to get rid of this burdening tag). (2:35)
  • 5 drastic side effects “Superwoman Syndrome” has on your health, career and relationships. (6:44)
  • Why these seemingly positive compliments can reinforce traditional gender stereotypes (and over-burdens you with unequal responsibilities). (12:45)
  • 3 steps you can take to break free from unrealistic expectations put on you by society. (16:52)
  • Why the ‘superwoman’ tag is not a compliment (how you can start to challenge it and save yourself from a cycle of overachievement). (20:33)

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