Purpose & Dreams

Episode #308 – Traci Barrett, one of HGTV’s founders “When Success is No Longer Enough”

September 19, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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You can be at the top of your career, successful, and great at what you do, and at the same time feel unsatisfied.

There’s a time that comes when success is no longer enough. You could have achieved everything you’d ever dreamed of, accumulating wealth and accolades along the way, and it still may not be enough to satisfy you. You’ll feel there’s something more you could be doing.


If you’re not making the impact you know you could be making on your family, yourself, and the world in general – despite the weight of your success, it could leave a bland taste in your mouth.

So when you get to that point, what do you do? How do you pivot and transition successfully into a career that allows you to create impact? How can you seek the life of significance that you crave?

That’s what my guest today, Traci Barrett, will help us answer.

Traci is one of the co-founders of HGTV, and was involved in it right from the start, long before it exploded. She’s a published author, speaker and a coach. She’s worked in corporate America and has been a part of multiple successful startups, all while being an involved and present parent.

In this episode, Traci shares her core message about how to seek and find a life of significance using her own experience, in which she walked out of a very high paying job, and leveraged her existing skills to build a successful business.

Traci reveals how you can recognize when it’s time to slow down when you’re spread too thin, the best things to prioritize when choosing a career or building a business, and how to choose your next fulfilling path the right way.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • This mindset trick every entrepreneur should adopt in order to be successful.(16:02)
  • How to recognize when it’s time to slow down at your career/business. (17:00)
  • How Traci leveraged her existing skills to build a successful consulting business (and how you can do it too). (22:40)
  • Why money and prestige is simply not enough, and what to prioritize in your career to ensure you feel successful and content no matter how much you make. (26:40)
  • An actionable tip you can implement today to help you make the right choice on the next step to take in your career. (32:58)

For a discount on Traci’s course, follow her on Instagram at instagram.com/tracisbarrett and DM her the word “Cherylanne”.

To find Traci online visit her website at: https://tracischubertbarrett.com

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