Health & Well Being

Episode #184 – How to make time for yourself without feeling guilty

May 4, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily hustle and forget to take time for yourself. And even if you do have time for yourself, you might not use it. In fact, you might even find yourself picking up extra work instead. Because for many of us, “me time” feels so guilty. Sound familiar?

But it’s so important to remember that time for yourself is essential for restoring your energy and renewing your spirit. You can’t serve from an empty vessel.

In this episode, you’ll learn why taking time for yourself creates a more balanced life and how to move past the guilt of making time for what you love, instead of what you need.

Show highlights include:

  • Why it feels impossible to make time for yourself and the ‘2021 reset’ you need for a more balanced life (0:50)
  • What Psychology Today reveals about time away from your obligations and why trying to “catch up on work” actually puts you behind (5:28)
  • The three ways to indulge in your hobbies and why you should spend more time treating yourself (10:19)
  • How to protect and prioritize your personal time (no matter how busy your schedule gets) (16:28)
  • Why spending time on your own builds loving relationships around you and how to transform the guilt into gratitude for a happier life  (18:08)


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