
If you want something you’ve never had

November 4, 2016

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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If I asked you the question, “What do you want?” I wonder what you’d say.

Would your list be long or short?

Would you aim high or play it safe?

Would you laugh at the audacity of your desire?

Think for a moment. What do you want?

Light bulbs in row with single one in motion and shinning, isolated on black background


A better job?

A smaller waistline?

More money?

An organized home?

More confidence?

More free time?

Happier children?

A stronger marriage?

Peace of mind?


As you call to mind your own personal list, what if I then asked you,

“What are you willing to do to get it?”


Well???  Because here’s the thing.

If you want something you’ve never had, you’ll have to do something you’ve never done. Twitter_logo_blue


Just wishing for a new outcome doesn’t work. You need to also be willing to try a new way to get there.

When you want something new but cling to your old familiar habits, you’re nearly ensuring that you’ll stay stuck where you are.  It sounds almost silly, but we do it all the time!

That’s why in my Life Design work with women, we create new behavior patterns right from the get-go. We break through their beliefs about what will and won’t work, about what they can and can’t do. We try new things. And guess what happens.

They get to places they never thought were possible. It’s startling, actually, how quickly they build momentum just by taking consistent action.

Are you ready to build your own momentum? Twitter_logo_blue


If you’ve been spinning your wheels talking about what you want (but not actually getting anywhere) ask yourself what you’ve done so far.

Not what you’ve read about or talked about or considered doing. But what you’ve actually done.

We know so much more than we do.

It’s not a lack of knowledge that keeps us stuck, it’s a lack of action. Twitter_logo_blue


So why not take a cue from Nike and just do it already?

Stop telling yourself that it will be too hard or that it won’t work.

Stop saying it won’t matter.

Suspend your disbelief.

Do something you’ve never done.

And get ready to finally have that thing you’ve never had.



*If you want support to help you rewire your behavior so you take consistent action toward your dreams and desires, you can apply for a free strategy session with me using this link.

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