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Here’s your peek into what’s on my mind and on my heart as we navigate this full chapter of life together .
Inspiration for a brilliantly balanced life.
The hustle and bustle of the holiday season can seem scary. And understandably so. With so many holiday season milestones looming and approaching faster and faster, it’s easy to hit the panic button and live in dread of the stress surrounding them instead of joyful anticipation and holiday cheer. But what if we could take […]
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When you hear the word ‘selfish,’ you might think of a person who focuses only on themselves. It’s portrayed as a negative trait that puts us above others. But being selfish isn’t as bad as you think. And if you spend all of your time focused on everyone else, you’ll quickly burn out. You need […]
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As you get older, you start experiencing a range of mental and physical changes. Whether it’s a little extra weight you’ve never noticed before or a transition into menopause, it can become stressful when you don’t know what’s natural and what’s in your control. But if you understand how to nurture your mind and body […]
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Let’s face it, you take care of all of the things. Between work, kids, parents, partners, relationships, and constantly competing schedules, it can wear anyone out. So before anything else, you need to make sure you are feeling well, energized, and able to tackle the stuff that is coming at you in your day. And […]
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We all want to be super productive and raise a thriving family. And we want to do it with plenty of time to focus on our own personal health and wellness, too. But putting all of this into practice isn’t easy. In fact, most days it seems almost impossible to get everything done. And when […]
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In life, there are three arenas in which all high achieving women feel compelled to compete, and it’s never enough to be good at just one of them. We hold ourselves to a high standard – we want to excel in ALL of them, and more often than not, this becomes a frustrating game of […]
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