Productivity & Time Management

Episode #42 – Have you been on your own Summer Slide?

August 14, 2018

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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The dog days of summer. That season in the year that can drain your productivity to a snail’s pace. We stay up later than usual, attend parties, and take longer vacations (all fun, but…).

All too often, being in summer mode gives us an excuse to hit pause on our good habits.

And even though it’s great to have down-time, too much of it can make us move backwards in the areas of our life we actually care about the most.

In today’s episode, we’re going to cover three crucial areas of your life most susceptible to the ‘summer slide,’ and show you how to beat the productivity nose-dive at this time of year.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • Healthy habits to protect your physical health during the summer months (4:50)
  • How you can finally get rid of your ‘I’ll do it later’ mentality and overcome procrastination (7:25)
  • The biggest contributor to the summer slide and how to avoid going down it (12:00)
  • The non-negotiable, most optimal time to get back on track towards your goals (14:00)

It’s ok to take a break. But committing to when your ‘reset’ is going to happen will help you get back into the swing of things as you wrap up an amazing summer. If you want an EXTRA boost this year, get the details on Brilliant Balance Breakthrough below.

To learn more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough, the program referenced in today’s show, visit:


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And to find out more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough:

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  1. Rachel Handbury says:

    First, I would like to let you know how much I love your podcasts – I listen to them on my way to work. Most of my community and friends are stay at home moms so I have a hard time connecting with people on the challenges of balancing work and family. I feel inspired when I listen to your podcasts on changes I can make to be more productive and more content.
    The Summer Slide episode was unfortunately my least favorite – it really focused on sliding during the holiday and fun of summer. Most working moms really struggle with summer not because of the slide but due to the stress and anxiety that we should be providing an awesome summer for our kids while life continues as usual at work. I would love to hear how other moms do this – how to achieve work life balance during summer. I really hope for an episode where it focuses on tips to make life easier, like online grocery shopping (which has saved me), and other ways that can really assist with the balance. Do working moms usually get nannies? let the kids stay home? camps? Strategies would be amazing to find out.

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