Productivity & Time Management

Episode #62 – DO NOT Make a New Year’s Resolution Until You Hear This

January 1, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Don’t you just love beginnings…they’re so full of possibilities!

The new year is an extremely powerful time to channel your best positive attitude and optimistic outlook… but unless it’s done correctly your best intentions may fall flat.

New Year’s Resolutions just don’t usually work – so maybe it’s time for a different approach.

In today’s episode, you’re going to discover a game-changing method for getting what you want out of the New Year and getting better results in 2019 than you’ve ever gotten before.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • An unconventional goal-setting method for the New Year that actually works (4:45)
  • The primary step 99% of people neglect when setting New Year’s resolutions that instantly sets them up for failure…without them even realizing (6:30)
  • The #1 New Year’s resolution mistake almost everyone makes (8:50)
  • How to properly organize your goals to boost your chances of success (10:20)
  • Habit Stacking: An uncommon approach to ingraining and automating new, lasting habits (11:45)


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  1. Karen Harkness says:

    Thanks for a novel way of approaching goals. Habit stacking sounds so logical. Keep doing what you’re doing.

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