Productivity & Time Management

Episode #55 – Why You are Always Late (and How to Break the Habit)

November 13, 2018

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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“Sorry, I’m late…”

For the vast majority of people, these three little words habitually accompany their entrance.

Are you one of the people who is chronically late?

There are many reasons why we just can’t seem to get somewhere on time, but today’s episode covers three of the most common behavior patterns that make us chronically late and outlines how to break them.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • My dad’s commitment to being on-time (1:30)
  • How to lower your daily stress level and put a stop to running in overdrive (5:00)
  • A practical way to drastically improve your time management (8:00)
  • How to optimize “transition times” so you show up on time (11:00)
  • The being on time’ serenity you may never have experienced (12:20)

To learn more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough, the program referenced in today’s show, visit:
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  1. Thank you so much for this episode. I have been chronically late all of my life. I have lost customers and contracts in my business. Told countless lies…

    Your advice and examples on how to account for those “just” moments (because I love to clean and throw in a load of laundry before I leave for the day) were so eye-opening. So now I will be more aware and plan realistically with the intent to arrive early. This advice has probably added years to my life so I can stop panicking through my day. Thank you.

  2. WOW!!! This was so powerful and really resonated with me. I am not one who is typically late, but I am not leaving myself that transition time you described. I arrive to the appointment or meeting and have to jump right in. I never considered leaving myself breathing room or preparing for the transition. This is definitely a GAME CHANGER for me!! I appreciate the story of the mother who arrived early to her son’s game and literally felt that peace she experienced because it helped me to remember the moments when I have taken the first two steps into account which gave me time to feel good, relaxed and feel ready for the appointment or meeting. Thank you!!
    #in order to feel present, you have to land

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