
Episode #319 – Gifting without Regret: Smart Strategies for your Heart and your Wallet

December 5, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
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In this episode, Cherylanne tackles the often stressful topic of holiday gifting. With the season in full swing, she offers practical strategies to help you navigate the complexities of gift-giving in a way that’s both mindful and budget-friendly.

Cherylanne emphasizes the importance of avoiding “debt and regret” when it comes to gifting, as well as the overwhelming clutter that can accompany the holidays. She provides practical tips such as having a master gift plan, knowing your numbers, and giving what she calls “disappearing” gifts.

Tune in to discover how you can make your gifting experience memorable, meaningful, and guilt-free. It’s all about balance.

Show Highlights Include:

  • Learn to avoid regret by making thoughtful gift-buying choices 00:01:38
  • How can you avoid clutter overload during the holiday season? 00:03:08
  • Learn how to create a comprehensive gift plan that helps you stay organized and on budget 00:04:27
  • Explore strategies for determining the number of gifts per person and establishing a budget for holiday shopping 00:06:42
  • Declutter your life and make room for joy with these space-saving gift ideas 00:13:11
  • How can you make gifts memorable and meaningful? 00:17:42

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