Purpose & Dreams

Episode #300 – 300 Episodes Later…What I’ve Learned

July 25, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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This episode marks the 300th time I’ve seated myself in front of a microphone to record this show.

Doing this consistently for 5 years has given me so much perspective and taught me more than a few things about life.

Once you embark on a creative journey, you tend to feel the work growing with you. And if you’re given to working on it actively and consistently, you’re sure to encounter some of the lessons I did.

So what are these truths I’ve learned from podcasting for so long?

In this episode, you’ll discover what I’ve learned by podcasting week in week out for 5 straight years.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • 3 important lessons I’ve picked up after 300 podcast episodes. (3:03)
  • Why you should never wait for the perfect time to start something new (and (3:03)
  • How you can ensure you stay consistent at any activity. (5:16)
  • A  method you can use to generate content that resonates with your audience, no matter who they are (10:02)

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