Health & Well Being

Episode #294 – Why We Accumulate Clutter and What To Do About It

June 13, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Be honest – is there clutter accumulated in your space? Your office, home, garage or even your closet? We ALL have it!

But this clutter is insidious. Because after a while it can blend in and start to look as part of the decor to us. So at some point instead of noticing it, you just start to live with it.

It can also affect your inner calm/balance and even hinder you from seeing new opportunities to redesign or bring in new things into your home.

So, that clutter needs to go.

In this episode, you’ll learn actionable steps to take to clear clutter that has accumulated in your space. You’ll discover the benefits of having a clean, clear space without the piles of clutter lying about.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • The biggest causes of clutter and why we allow it to pile up. (6:53)
  • How indecision about whether to get rid of or keep an item contributes to clutter. (8:58)
  • The 30-year rule you can implement to help you decide if you should get rid of an item or not (or give it to people who truly need it). (14:37)
  • How you can create a sense of inner peace with your environment. (16:10)
  • Actionable steps you can take to start decluttering your space today. (18:34)

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