Health & Well Being

Episode #279 – Fight the mid-life blahs

February 28, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Midlife is a life chapter I see a lot of women struggle with.

It’s a time you suddenly start questioning everything you’ve devoted yourself to for the last couple of decades. All your carefully laid plans don’t seem to make sense anymore.

You tend to ask: Is this all there is to it? Am I doing enough? Am I enough?

Women that experience the midlife blahs go through a range of tough emotions: a sense of boredom, emptiness or sadness. And while it may be mild for some people, it can be intense and hard for others.

But you don’t have to endure or get comfortable with the midlife blahs. You can shake yourself out of this cycle and find meaning in your life again.

In this episode, I’ll reveal 5 signs you should look out for to recognize if you’re in the mid-life blahs. You’ll discover how to regain your sense of excitement, vibrancy and fulfillment.

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Show Highlights Include:

  • Why midlife crisis doesn’t always mean a middle aged man with an expensive sports car and younger girlfriend (and the actual effects of mid-life on women)  (1:46)
  • 5 signs you’re experiencing the mid-life blahs. (2:41)
  • Why you shouldn’t get comfortable in the mid-life blahs (and how to feel a sense of fulfillment again) (11:43)
  • The ‘mix-it-up’ trick you can use to help yourself stop feeling like you live on autopilot (and how it wakes your brain to a fresh perspective).(12:56)
  • How this ‘weekly tracking’ routine helps if things just don’t excite you anymore. (14:37)
  • How to find meaning and clarity in your life on a day to day basis (without the crushing weight of figuring out your entire life) (16:18)
  • The ‘micro-change’ technique you can use to take pressure off yourself (while generating momentum and excitement in your life). (19:07)


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