Health & Well Being

Episode #278 – Heather Chauvin: Get emotionally uncomfortable…on purpose

February 21, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Do most women know how to set boundaries??

Not at all. We rarely protect time for ourselves. We always delay the mini adventures in our life because our kid gets sick, or there’s a surprise meeting, or that one extra-needy friend calls.

And what happens when we stand up for ourselves? We feel guilt, shame, anger, and resentment when we impose boundaries.

But in order to take our careers to the next level, and have a happier marriage and family life, we NEED to impose boundaries.

And when you set boundaries, the feelings of guilt, shame, anger, and resentment come flooding back.

So in today’s episode, my guest, Heather Chauvin, TedX speaker and founder of the Emotionally Uncomfortable podcast, reveals how to set boundaries (without feeling guilt or shame.)

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

  • The counter-intuitive reason why you have less control in your overall life when you spend 3 hours making sure your hair is perfect (5:18)
  • How you become an obsessive control freak by purchasing $1,000 self-help books (8:27)
  • The “hermit crab in a shell” secret to skyrocketing past your comfort zone (and blast through your next life hurdle) (16:29)
  • How to unlock an unbreakable mindset instantly by potentially giving yourself hypothermia for 60 seconds (20:35)
  • Why leaving your needy friend on “seen” for 24 hours liberates your feelings of guilt, shame, and need (26:26)
  • How to take time off, and go for that hike with your best friend with the “10 minute habit” (30:17)

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