Health & Well Being

Episode #268 – Shauna Niequist – The power of unlearning and accepting unknowns

December 13, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
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Life isn’t always as easy as we’d like it to be.

We will face difficult chapters in our lives where things feel like they’re crumbling, breaking down, or falling apart. Peculiar seasons where everything seems to just go wrong and the solutions feel out of reach.

It’s not impossible to gather the courage to march through these challenging seasons and even take a lesson or two from them.

Following the launch of her most recent book, I Guess I Haven’t Learned That Yet, I interviewed Shauna Niequist, one of my favorite writers, who is wise beyond her years.

Shauna understands that the truly abundant life isn’t one that is gained by external markers of success. Rather it is about mustering up courage to forge ahead even when our lives are falling apart.

In this episode, my guest: Shauna Niequist, shows you how you can find a silver lining even when things don’t go your way. You’ll discover the power behind viewing the world and yourself with compassion in difficult times so you don’t get overwhelmed.

Listen in….

Show Highlights Include:

  • How even an abandoned project can be a blessing in disguise that prepares you for new opportunities (and sharpens your skills). (08:55)
  • How Shauna got the title for her book ‘Present Over Perfect’ and how you could adopt the lesson behind it to savor the important seasons in your life. (11:55)
  • The ‘suffering Olympics’ mindset you must get rid of that causes us to judge other people’s pain (and keeps us from sharing ours). (18:28)
  • Why adopting the right level of transparency for your audience keeps you and your readers safe (without having to lie about your height). (23:20)
  • How zooming out and taking a broader perspective of being part of something bigger than yourself helps you navigate new environments. (28:13)


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