Health & Well Being

Episode #267 – How to feel more calm and in control

December 6, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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When I meet other working women and ask how they want to feel, they tell me they want to feel at ease, calm, fully present, or in control.

And why? Because that’s NOT how they feel right now! It’s normal, but the key to feeling better is knowing the levers to pull to get you back to a state where you feel a sense of agency and control. Where you have the ability to tap into your inner calm when you need it. Even if you’ve lost it temporarily.

In this episode, you’ll discover how you can regain that sense of feeling calm and in control. I’ll show you how you can take charge of your thought patterns and beliefs to produce positive results in your life.

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Show Highlights Include:

  1. A model you can use to regain that sense of being in control whenever you need it (and put yourself back in the driver’s seat of your life) (02:37)
  2. Why you should guard your thoughts from running unchecked if you want more positive results. (04:30)
  3. The powerful mindset shift that helps you normalize a set of behaviors that will support your journey into the future you want. (06:35)
  4. How to influence your actions and drive better results by ejecting the negative beliefs behind your thought patterns. (07:14)

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