Purpose & Dreams

Episode #258 – Liz Brunner – How to own the room with executive presence and powerful communication

October 4, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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For many years, society has been perplexed by powerful women. Generations of women have been conditioned not to speak their truth, voice their opinions, and use their voice. When women speak up, they get labeled as “bossy” or worse.

So what if there were a way to speak up, telegraph confidence, influence others, and own the room – without backlash?


In today’s episode, you’ll discover the “65:35” ratio to command presence, earn respect, and wield influence.

Listen now!

Show Highlights:

  • How to carve out time for yourself, have the ultimate morning routine, and never feel rushed, behind, or breathless (3:33)
  • Why singing for the Pope could help you find your life’s ultimate purpose (7:41)
  • How the best training in the world came (for free) by joining a 3-woman weather team (9:56)
  • How Liz got to interview former President Barack Obama (16:10)
  • How to automatically program your subconscious mind to become a highly persuasive and an excellent communication (19:33)
  • How lacking a “threshold ritual” telegraphs an impression that you don’t have it all together (25:37)
  • An obvious time management technique that will free up an hour of your day (26:19)

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Need a few moments of peace? Listen to our free 5 Minute Meditation: https://brilliant-balance.com/breathe/

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Join 30 Days to Vibrant Energy: https://brilliant-balance.com/energy

Liz’s Website: https://lizbrunner.com

Promo code for 15% off Brunner Academy Courses: “BESTYOU”.

Dare to Own You Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dare-Own-You-Authenticity-Chapter-ebook/dp/B09JN6QKFN




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