Purpose & Dreams

Episode #255 – Karen Hardwick – “Chasing slow” to reconnect with ourselves and others

September 13, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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When was the last time you did something for yourself? With so many things on our checklist each day, many of us are guilty of getting lost in the day-to-day activities and stresses of the external world.

We neglect the most important thing: connecting with ourselves.

But here’s the truth.

Whether you are a CEO or a stay-at-home parent, you can’t connect to anyone else in inspiring ways until you connect with yourself in honest ways. Connection heals our wounds, awakens our souls, and invites us into our most authentic, courageous, and honest selves.

In this episode, my guest, Karen Hardwick, executive leadership coach shares her powerful practices to stay connected to your feelings, sense of self, and journey. So you can be connected to others both at home, and as a leader.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • How to break free from the “Superhero Trap” that keeps you disconnected from your true self (6:35)
  • 2 powerful questions to reconnect with yourself when you feel off balance (9:37)
  • How to teach better ways to connect for our children through modeling (14:22)
  • How we subconsciously create barriers around us and push away our loved ones when we need them the most (and how to be vulnerable again) (16:31)
  • How to overcome the comparison trap that kills your connections before they even started (19:23)
  • How strengthening your spiritual connections helps you feel grounded (even through trauma and chaotic times) (23:29)
  • The Chasing Slow practice to feel more connected and prepared for the day (26:56)


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