Health & Well Being

Episode #254 – Endless summer – Build a life you don’t need a vacation from

September 6, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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As summer comes to a close, many of us feel a little blue; we’re not quite ready to bid adieu to the ease and flow of the season.

Before we know it, we’re back to the all-too-familiar hustle of everyday life, complete with that feeling of dread that creeps in Sunday evening and the reluctance with which you drag yourself out of bed and into your Monday morning commute.

If you feel like this, you’re not alone.

But what if we could bring a little of that vacation vibe to our everyday lives so we don’t feel like we have to count the days until our next week off?

In this episode, you’ll discover simple practices to build a life you don’t need a vacation from.

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • The “Vacation Mode Blueprint” to building a better rhythm of life that you don’t need a holiday from (8:33)
  • Why building a vacation vibe into your life makes you more fulfilled and saves you from burnout (even if you have a thousand things to do) (8:50)
  • 5 easy ways to bring the simple joy of the summer holiday into every single day (12:22)
  • How to fit fulfilling activities into your schedule when you’re overworked, stressed, and feel like just binging Netflix in your free time (19:33)


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