Health & Well Being

Episode #222 – Build a wind-down routine that works

January 25, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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When you can’t seem to calm yourself down at the end of the day, sleep feels impossible. But what if you had steps to take that led you gently to a state where your body and mind were ready for rest?

Between the anxious thoughts and constant pings on our phone, bedtime for us isn’t the magical time we’ve created for our kids. And when you can’t relax at night, you only feel more exhausted the next day.

Your wind-down routine doesn’t have to be done in complete solitude (or even all at once). You can lighten the approach and create a more relaxing evening while still getting the essential things done.

In this episode, you’ll learn 8 ideas for a wind-down routine that enhances and improves your sleep night after night.

Show highlights include:

  • How to cue a calmer evening with the signature of a permission slip. (4:47)
  • How to create a Home Sunset for longer (and earlier) sleep. (8:28)
  • Why cutting out the background noise clears your head immediately. (9:44)
  • The Fuzzy Sock approach to feeling more relaxed and worry-free. (12:07)
  • Why having a nighttime routine of scent and temperature enhances your natural sleep. (13:04)
  • Why trading in the late night true crime shows for a light read leads to more intentional rest. (14:36)
  • Why keeping a night journal clears brain fog and releases any day tension. (16:49)
  • The quick meditative scan for calming down the body (when sleep seems like an impossible task) (18:37)


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