Health & Well Being

Episode #181 – Become a great negotiator with expert Leigh Thompson

April 13, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
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Whether you realize it or not, we negotiate all the time. While buying a new car or discussing a salary may come to mind, we have to overcome obstacles and set clear objectives in our personal lives too. And unfortunately, these situations don’t come with a script.

So what does it mean to ‘meet in the middle’ when there’s much more at stake? Or when there seems to be an imbalance in power?

In this episode, I’m joined by expert negotiator Leigh Thompson who shares the professional skills you can take into any scenario for finding the ‘sweet spot’ with the ones you love and strengthening relationships with each conversation.

Show highlights include:

  • Why people end up persuading instead of negotiating and how to approach a ‘win-win’ strategy with your kids (0:40)
  • What two sisters and an orange reveal about negotiation and how you can find the sweet spot with personal interactions today (8:45)
  • Why ‘win-win’ isn’t a sustainable strategy with the ones you love and how to find the best possible solution with sensitive conversations (14:20)
  • What the ‘dessert tray’ strategy reveals about solving any complicated problem and how to build trust in your negotiations instantly (19:20)
  • The difference between conversations with your kids and your parents and how to carefully approach power dynamics with respect and rationalization (31:17)


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