Purpose & Dreams

Episode #167 – Stop looking for your purpose

January 5, 2021

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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A brand new year is a cause for celebration! It’s a time to clean your slate and start fresh. And while many of us want to jump-start the new year on a good note, we tend to get hung up with trying to find our life’s purpose.

So, what should you be doing instead?

In this episode, I discuss 4 ways to help you avoid the paralysis that comes with seeking your life’s purpose.

Show highlights include:

  • Why searching for your purpose stops you from living your life (and what to focus on instead) (5:15)
  • A simple step you can take to begin trusting your instincts so you can get your life back on track (7:08)
  • An “action step” that can move you out of your head and into the real world to accomplish your goals (9:18)
  • Why you should avoid sweeping change and how to make progress on your objectives in a sustainable way (10:46)
  • An “old school” method for determining if you are on the right track with your life (12:38)
  • How your “lowercase p” purpose can illuminate the path to your ideal life (14:53)

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