Purpose & Dreams

Episode #152 – Winging it with Emma Isaacs, founder of Business Chicks

September 22, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Business is challenging on its own. It becomes exponentially more difficult when we let insecurity and self-doubt hold us back.

It’s time to stop waiting for permission and go after what you want. Whether it’s your job or your own business, you already have what you need to get started.

In this episode, I’m joined by author and business coach Emma Isaacs. We discuss how to overcome the challenges that stop women from taking action, old school secrets for business success, and the importance of believing in yourself.

Show highlights include:

  • The subtle but avoidable challenges that hold women back in business and in life (5:44)
  • Why you should just start even when you don’t feel up to the task (7:03)
  • How to capitalize on your internal superpower of intuition to get what you want out of life (9:31)
  • An “old school” secret of business management that ensures success non-stop profits (13:46)
  • How getting back to basics makes all your business decisions easier (15:07)
  • The surprising thing you have in common with the most successful businesswomen in the world (21:00)
  • Why self-belief is the key to business success (24:41)

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