
Episode #133 – The power of pressing pause (aka why you can’t jump off a moving train)

May 12, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
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During times of uncertainty, it may be tempting to try and get your life back to “normal” as quickly as possible. But what if that’s not actually the best thing for you?

When life gives you a chance to stop and reflect, how do you make the most of it?

In this episode, I discuss why a pause may be the best thing to happen to you, how to take advantage of a chance to reset, and how this reset can apply to both your professional and personal life.

Show highlights include:

  • Why the current pause we’re in could be exactly what you need (6:40)
  • Do this to make the most of this (or any) dramatic change in your life (8:15)
  • If you are currently doing this with your time, you could be wasting a huge opportunity for growth (10:24)
  • 3 ways the pause can restore balance to your life and work (9:05)
  • The most tragic mistake you could make as a result of this pause (11:45)

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  1. Wendy Creeden says:

    What pause? My life is crazier than it ever was pre-pandemic with many more hours of work on the nights and weekend, and even more household responsibilities – 3 meals instead of 1 since everyone is home, homeschooling instead sending the kids to school, cleaning the house instead of having a cleaning service. I’m at a breaking point as the train is running faster and more furiously than it ever has and I don’t think I’m alone in terms of working or even stay at home moms I know. I – and they – would do ANYTHING for a pause right now.

    • Cherylanne says:

      I hear you. With a company to run and 3 kids of my own, there is a LOT happening. But there are also things that AREN’T happening. My kids aren’t in any sports, lessons, or activities. Nearly all of my volunteer committees are on hiatus. There is no daily commute to the office. Life has filled in the gaps with new things…and yet…there is a thoughtfulness about what could be. How we can reorder the pieces of life into something new as we navigate this turbulence. I’m trying to protect short periods of time to reflect, to “think on paper,” and to be intentional about who we are becoming during this chapter. Even a short 5-10 minutes to think, to imagine, to reflect does wonders. xo

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