
Episode #129 – Creative ideas to rebuild your village virtually

April 14, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Staying connected in our current environment of quarantine and social distancing requires creativity. It’s not an option to turn yourself into a hermit simply because you’re forced to stay away from other people physically. We’re wired for connection, after all.

While we know things will eventually return to normal, there’s no doubt that some innovations will stand the test of time, forever changing the way we interact with one another.

In this episode, I discuss several of the most creative ways I have seen women forging connections in this new environment and how you can make them work for you.

Show highlights include:

  • What to do when your normal support systems are altered in unexpected ways (2:07)
  • These people may be perfect to effectively continue your children’s education in the absence of teachers (4:20)
  • Survive restaurant closures by doing this… even if you can’t cook! (7:04)
  • The best way to leverage technology to stay in touch with friends you can’t see face-to-face (9:07)
  • This is a simple way to maintain some of your family’s routine, even when you can’t leave your house (11:40)

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