
Episode #125 – How to be around people with anxiety without absorbing it

March 17, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Roughly 18% of the U.S. population suffers from crippling anxiety, and a much larger percentage deals with anxiety on some level. You may even struggle with this yourself.

It can be difficult to be around people who are experiencing anxiety without being at risk of internalizing some of that anxiety as your own…

Unless you know how to prevent it.

In today’s episode, I’m going to give you my best strategies for helping ease the anxiety of others, without letting it affect the brilliant balance of your life.

Show highlights include:

  • Don’t leave this part of your brain unprotected from anxious people (6:03)
  • Use these 3 tried and tested strategies for avoiding anxiety in your own life… even when surrounded by anxious people (7:18)
  • Try this mindset to avoid taking on another person’s anxiety when you are the one who has to help them cope (14:19)
  • This specific song has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety levels (20:40)

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