
Episode #124 – How Contemporary Couples Divide the Work at Home with Jill Yavorsky, Gender Dynamics Expert

March 10, 2020

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When couples decide to have a baby, maybe they have a good idea of how much time it will take to feed and rock and change diapers … but how much extra work does a child create in a household, and how do successful couples divide it?

Research has proven that a new child “disrupts” the natural division of labor in your household and can even lead to anger and resentment in your partner.

In today’s episode, I’m joined by Dr. Jill Yavorsky, an Assistant Professor of Sociology and Organizational Science at UNCC to discuss the data around what a new child means for your household division of labor and give you some tips to mitigate your workload before resentment builds.

Show highlights include:

  • How your first child “breaks” the natural division of labor in your household and what to do about it (8:59)
  • The truth about why men overestimate how much childcare and housework they do by 3x or more (14:44)
  • How your thoughts are tricking you into feeling like you’re doing more than you are (15:55)
  • Why men tend to enjoy more leisure time than women — especially after children (16:53)
  • Why date nights are the absolute worst time to bring up childcare and  household duties (19:48)
  • How something as simple as splitting childcare and household work drastically decreases your chances of divorce (22:07)
  • The simple, 2-step formula to create a better, happier marriage after your first child (29:50)

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