
Episode #122 – 3 signs you’re ready for a career change

February 25, 2020

I’m Cherylanne.
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When you started your career, you were probably optimistic and excited for what it could hold. But when the excitement fades and you find yourself at odds with your job, it can be difficult to admit that you’ve fallen out of love with your career.

If you dread getting up each morning, or even if you “need” that glass of wine each night to decompress from the day, you may need to consider a career change.

In today’s episode we will discuss the top 3 signs that you are ready for a career change, why that can be hard to admit, and how to find the courage to step out and find a career that you love!

Show highlights include:

  • How to find the courage to make a career change (4:27)
  • What to do when you just don’t care about your work (6:06)
  • The shocking truth about liking your job (7:19)
  • How liking your career is an act of service (8:40)
  • Can’t admit you need a change? Try this! (9:40)
  • How your fears are fooling you into keeping your job (11:29)
  • The sneaky way your subconscious is telling you it’s time for a change (14:15)
  • Why “needing” a drink after work may be a sign that you actually need a new career (14:45)
  • What binge watching Netflix is telling you about your career (16:04)
  • Why keeping your job could be damaging your health (17:46)
  • How to “reactivate” your career without changing jobs (20:20)

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