Productivity & Time Management

Episode #3 – Using envy to your advantage

November 14, 2017

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Envy is like a poison that paralyzes your productivity and kills your creativity – and all of us suffer from it at times in our lives. It’s not what we’d typically call a WELCOME emotion.

But envy isn’t the enemy you believe it to be…

It’s a clue that reveals something about the direction you need to move.

Whenever we feel envious towards someone else, there’s massive opportunity to find uplifting inspiration that will help you progress forward toward a more balanced, fulfilled life as you’ll learn today.

Show Highlights:

  • The Oprah article that changed Cherylanne’s perspective (1:50)
  • How to transform envy into inspiration (5:20)
  • Managing envy and using it to your complete control (8:00)
  • Redirecting your energy to make somebody else’s day without ruining your own (9:20)
  • The simple steps to follow next time you feel envious (18:00)

Feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions? Then hop over to to download your free Rebalancing Toolkit. You’ll learn how to design an optimized week that lets you feel like you have it all.

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  1. Adriane Nelson says:

    What an amazing topic and discussion, Cherylanne! Again, you spoke to the exact place in my heart that needed it. Thank you!

  2. Michelle says:

    I am really enjoying your podcast! This topic was so helpful to cover! I struggle with this pretty much anytime I scroll through social media and feel so badly about it. Now I have some helpful ideas of how to transform envy into something beneficial. Thank you!

  3. s says:

    Cherylanne, The author of the flower analogy is St Therese of Liseux, Doctor.

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