Productivity & Time Management

Episode # 9 – The art of saying no gracefully

December 26, 2017

I’m Cherylanne.
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We’ve all been there…trapped in a conversation we can’t get out of. You want to say no, but you worry about letting someone down and you suddenly find yourself saying yes.

An inability to say no shows up in many ways. It’s one of the issues at the heart of the imbalance many women carry around. Getting into a habit of always saying yes will lead to a pattern of overestimating our capacity.

Learning to say no with confidence and grace will have even more benefits than you can imagine!


  • The underlying causes of our inability to say no (3:00)
  • Why you need a process to get to a clear yes or no (4:50)
  • Why we worry about saying no (8:00)
  • A simple script for how to say no with grace, confidence, and kindness (10:45)
  • What you need to avoid doing, after saying no (18:23)
  • Why the script matters (20:25)


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  1. Diana Turner says:

    I’m not sure how I found this or how it found me maybe. I’ve never heard or read anything from this site/blog/podcast before now. I just listened to this podcast at my desk at work and it was as though it was just for me. I’m a people pleaser by nature (got that from my Mother) and find it hard to say no to requests. I then end up stressing and worry when every player in the game isn’t pleased by whatever event or task I’ve somehow become the manager of. This has gone on for a long time (years, not months). I so needed to hear this. When I go home this evening, I will listen again where I can make notes in my journal to put them into action. I look forward to hearing more podcasts and reading blog posts. Thank you for this much needed lesson!

  2. Audra says:

    What a find! I have been looking for strategies or verbiage to say no without hurt feelings and I’m elated that I stumbled upon this great script that I cannot wait to put into practice so that it becomes easier to do over time. I cannot thank you enough!

  3. I loved this one. Two thoughts… I find it very helpful, especially in a person-to-person situation, to say, Thank you blah blah, I’d like to think about it. I’ll get back to you tomorrow. Then, it takes the urgency and emotion out of it and also the discomfort of being face to face if I know I want to say no, but I don’t want to get into it right then with that particular person. Then it’s just a quick email with the “no.” I also tend to feel good saying something like, “I don’t have the capacity right now to give that project/event/task (whatever) what I know it deserves to be successful.

    I am absolutely LOVING your podcasts Cherylanne. You’re doing a great job and a great service to your listeners. THANK YOU!!

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