
3 reasons you aren’t getting the results you want

September 27, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
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It’s so exciting when you watch a vision take shape and become reality. And it certainly doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes there is a very long and twisting path to get to where you want to be, and you feel like you’ll never get there. 

So when you aren’t getting the results that you want, what can you do?

Today I’m sharing a framework that has helped me during those periods of frustration.

Do you know the behavior that will get you there?
Results are driven by behaviors. In fact, they’re usually driven by a very particular and very small set of behaviors that lead directly to the result or the outcome that we want. The magic is in discerning what those behaviors are. What are the critical few actions that are going to deliver the results that we want? If you’re not getting the result you want, it’s possible that you’re not actually doing the behavior that leads to the results. 

Are you tracking it?
The behaviors we track are the behaviors that we sustain. But if we don’t have the rigor in the tracking, then we don’t have the data we need to course correct. We might even think we’re better than we are. So if we’re not measuring it, it’s really easy to overestimate how well we’re doing with the behaviors. If you don’t have the results you want and aren’t tracking your behaviors, you might be overestimating the quality of your effort. 

Are you accounting properly for the results lag?
The results lag is the gap between cause and effect. And this is the piece that can catch you by surprise and take the wind right out of your sails. When we forget about the results lag, we give up before those results kick in. 

We want immediate gratification. But the results lag is often 90 days or longer between cause and effect. If you haven’t been consistently engaged in the behavior and tracking it for at least 90 days, you really haven’t earned the right to give up. 

So now I want you to spend some time thinking about where in your life you aren’t getting the result you want, and is it possible that you’re just not consistently taking action against that behavior? And please don’t go and attack 10 things at once with this. Instead, pick the thing you want the most and be serious about the rigor of that one behavior. 

And once you do this, I can’t wait to hear from you about the results that start to fall in line. Because that’s it – this framework is everything. It really is a game changer in your ability to get results. 

Want to talk more about getting some support to achieve those results? You can grab time on my calendar for FREE to explore if coaching is right for you. Schedule time to chat here.




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