Purpose & Dreams

Who is Brilliant Balance?

May 23, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Cincy Chic – an online lifestyle publication for women – to share the complete story of Brilliant Balance.

And I mean everything – from what inspired me to start the company, to what our coaching programs and content platforms are really all about.

Check out our discussion below, or click here for the full article.

Life is all about balance, and Cherylanne Skolnicki is here to help. She’s the mastermind behind Brilliant Balance, a personal development platform designed to help professional women go after their dreams while balancing their personal and professional lives.

“The women we serve get from where they are today to where they want to be by leveraging our proven process, being mentored by experienced coaches, and connecting with an extraordinary community of like-minded women,” says Skolnicki. “Over the course of as little as three months, they reclaim control over their time, improve their mindset, and make shifts that change the trajectory of their lives.”

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Skolnicki says she was inspired to launch Brilliant Balance because of the cultural narrative that women can’t have it all. “We think we’re supposed to sacrifice our own dreams for a while in order to be good mothers, but we find that the ‘it is what it is’ message doesn’t honor the potential we have to contribute in a multifaceted way,” she explains. “We believe it is in fact possible to be healthy and vibrant, to have a thriving career, and to be a great mother. Settling for anything less is just that, settling. And it doesn’t feel very good when we realize that’s what we’re doing,” she adds. “Instead, when we choose the most important elements from all aspects of our lives, and breathe fire into those, we can have lives that feel exactly right for us – lives that make us feel positively brilliant.”

Brilliant Balance is comprised of a team of women helping other women balance their work and personal lives.

Skolnicki’s mission to help women live brilliant lives is rooted in plenty of experience professionally and personally. She is the mother of three children and spent 15 years at Procter & Gamble before leaving to launch her own business.

What makes the services from Brilliant Balance stand out from other personal development platforms is that it treats women as multidimensional people. “We’re committed to addressing women who have goals that span all facets of life and more, whether it’s health or career or relationships or time management,” she says. “Being able to do that requires a customized approach, with a healthy dose of 1:1 support, and that’s something we’re passionately committed to.”

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