
Episode #93 – Lessons Learned While Traveling Abroad with 3 Kids

August 6, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
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In theory, vacations are amazing. You get to watch your kids or family marvel at different parts of the country or the world. You recharge from your hard work. Most importantly, you and your family make memories for a lifetime.

But reality often looks different: From choosing a destination to budgeting to issues while on vacation, what was supposed to be a time of relaxation and peace often becomes chaotic and stressful.

In this episode, you’ll hear about the biggest mistakes people make when planning vacations and on the vacation itself—and you’ll hear what to do instead so you can experience a delightful vacation that recharges you instead of draining you.

Show highlights include:

  • If you’re taking your kids on vacation, this is how you make sure they stay curious and have amazing experiences while traveling. (13:00)
  • The big benefits of hotels vs. vacation rentals like AirBnB. (16:30)
  • How to go to 5 star hotels paying 3 star rates. (17:00)
  • When “touristy” vacations are perfect (and nothing to be ashamed of). (26:30)


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