
Episode #86 – What Your Need to be Liked is Costing You

June 18, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Whether it’s in our workplace, our families, or our neighborhoods, it’s totally normal to want to be liked. But when being liked becomes a NEED, it can drive us away from who we truly are.

We can fail to stand up for ourselves, or lose touch with the things that bring us joy, or morph into inauthentic versions of ourselves.

And who wants that? To avoid those outcomes, this episode will help you understand the hidden costs of your need to be liked—and show you how you can balance that desire with an ability to be your true self.

When you implement what you learn in this episode, you’ll be a happier and healthier version of you! You’ll feel stronger and more in control. You’ll get to spend time doing things that bring you joy. And you’ll still be totally lovable (maybe even more so).

Show highlights include:

  • The two identities fighting in your head—and how to unite them both into one powerful personality. (5:15)
  • You want to serve others, but you also have to serve yourself… here’s when you should stop serving others and focus on yourself. (7:45)
  • How wanting to be liked can cost you financially (in your personal life AND in your job). (10:40)
  • How to be liked and get your needs met—both at the same time. (14:35)

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  1. Alisa says:

    This was empowering and valuable…Thank you!

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