
Episode #70 – Are you settling for a B+ life?

February 26, 2019

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Sure, your life is pretty good, but can it be better?

What is preventing you from squeezing every ounce of opportunity and potential out of it?

Life can be an infinite cascade of possibilities, so don’t settle for less than the best YOU can be.

After listening to this episode, you’re going to be in a far superior position to step up and go from good to great. Let’s do this.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • Why it’s my life’s mission to get women to step up (7:00)
  • The mind-riddling lies you tell yourself that are preventing you from being the best you can be (8:50)
  • A powerful time rebalancing tip that allows you to wake up every single day with energy and passion for doing what you love (11:15)

If you want to stop settling for less than what’s truly possible and get back on your A-Game, then we are here to help you make that happen.

Click here to connect with me and my team.

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And to find out more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough:

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