Productivity & Time Management

Episode #59 – Stop playing “Self on the Shelf”

December 11, 2018

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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The holiday season is fast approaching. The brisk weather, festive wreaths, and towering Christmas trees should top off the happiest season of all. But for many women – especially mothers – this festive period can bring on a whole new set of expectations that make the season less about enjoying fun and family, and more about pressure to create ‘the perfect Christmas’ for everyone else.

I call this silly game ‘Self on the Shelf,’ and too many of us are guilty of playing it.

So today, I want to challenge you to take yourself off the shelf, get into the holiday action, and find out what it truly feels like to fully-participate in the holiday traditions and experiences.

Here Are The Highlights:

  • How to still be the maker of ‘the magic’ while fully-participating in the fun and family experiences (3:30)
  • How to give with generosity and receive graciously (6:30)
  • A ‘magical’ mindset shift for effective holiday planning (8:20)

You are not the Elf on the Shelf. You are a person. A real human being who also needs the opportunity to experience the magic of the holidays – not just create it for others.


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