Productivity & Time Management

Episode #330 – Unlocking Action: Moving from Learning to Doing

February 20, 2024

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Today Cherylanne unpacks the shift that occurs when you move from learning to taking action. She uncovers the common traps of getting stuck in a perpetual cycle of acquiring knowledge without applying it, and reveals the subtle signs that indicate you’re caught in this pattern.

In this eye-opening discussion, Cherylanne shares powerful strategies to break free from this cycle and harness the potential for real change and growth.

Stay tuned to unlock the secrets of transforming yourself from a lifelong learner to a fearless doer in this episode.

Show Highlights:

  • Discover why you are stuck in a continuous learning cycle. 04:21
  • Are you ready to move from passive learning to active coaching? 07:23
  • How can clearing space ignite your passion? 10:22
  • The way to go when you are overwhelmed with information. 10:53
  • Learn this fool-proof method of sequencing the steps. 13:06
  • Are your elaborate morning routines exhausting you? 14:49
  • Learn how to build a support system for your efforts. 15:57
  • The importance of a two-way dialogue for unlocking your potential. 20:36

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