Purpose & Dreams

Episode #324 – Try New Things: Be a “Late Learner” with Allison Hare

January 9, 2024

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Are you ready to ignite your passion for the unexplored and transform your life?

Today Cherylanne joins forces with Allison Hare, who left her corporate life to step into the wild world of new beginnings. Discover how trying things like silent retreats, adventure hikes, psychedelic assisted therapy, and a fitness dance class reinvigorated Allison, Then use what she’s learned to inspire your own explorations!

This is your invitation to break free from the ordinary – are you daring enough to answer the call and make every day a canvas for joy and self-discovery?

Show Highlights:

  • Have you given yourself permission to try new things? 00:38
  • Discover the importance of financial independence for women. 06:05
  • Find out how you can recognize what you actually want to do. 11:42
  • Learn Allison’s life-changing story of leaving corporate life. 14:27
  • How to keep your spirit of exploration alive  16:46
  • The philosophy of being a “late learner”. 17:04
  • A guide to learning ways of making an impact. 19:54
  • Break free from outdated conventions. 21:01
  • Micro Choices, Macro Impact! 22:37
  • Taking things slow and one day at a time. 25:50
  • Find out how being intentional and authentic led to a life transformation! 29:32
  • Have you ever worked on your relationship with yourself? 31:17

To connect with Allison and the New Year Challenge or to check out the Late Learner podcast, visit. allisonhare.com/newnew

Interested in coaching with Brilliant Balance? Schedule an exploratory call here: http://www.brilliant-balance.com/schedule

Subscribe to The Brilliant Balance Weekly and we’ll deliver it to your digital doorstep each Tuesday: http://www.brilliant-balance.com/weekly

Follow Cherylanne on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/cskolnicki

Join the Brilliant Balance Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/281949848958057

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