Health & Well Being

Episode #323 – Live Lighter in 2024

January 2, 2024

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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Join Cherylanne in this new year’s episode of Brilliant Balance, where she challenges the traditional approach to resolutions and offers a fresh take on how to step into 2024 with a sense of lightness.

Discover why “should” based resolutions weigh us down and how “want” based resolutions change the game.

Plus, mark your calendars for an exclusive LIVE master class on January 17, 2024 where Cherylanne will guide you through a process for making this your most light-filled and fulfilling year yet.

If you’re ready to step into 2024 with a renewed sense of freedom and purpose, this episode is a must-listen!

Show Highlights:

  • Here is how you can avoid setting unrealistic goals and resolutions that weigh you down. 01:50
  • Find out how the shift from holiday magic to reality checks happens.03:15
  • How to respond to your inner critic when she appears 05:16
  • The key to laying down your burdens and welcoming the bright magic of possibility. 07:23
  • Discover how embracing your dreams can give you a sense of purpose. 08:30
  • Getting clear about your intention 10:12
  • Learn the tools to find courage within for taking bold action. 12:02
  • This is the BIG reason why goals are not fulfilled 13:10
  • Recalibrate for success. 16:02
  • How to overcome guilt you may feel for doing what you want to do 18:02

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