Health & Well Being

Episode #316 – Mindful Motherhood: Proven Strategies for Reducing Stress

November 14, 2023

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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In today’s episode, Cherylanne shares powerful techniques to help mothers reduce stress and find more balance in their lives.

With practical strategies and expert advice, she discusses how mindful prioritization, single tasking, and mindful transitions can make a significant impact on stress levels.

We will discuss the world of mindfulness and discover proven strategies to create a more peaceful and fulfilling motherhood journey.

Stay tuned for actionable tips and insights that will leave you feeling empowered and ready to reduce stress in your own life.

Let’s get started!

Show Highlights Include:

  • Mom Overwhelm: Are we cracking under pressure?  00:00:51
  • What is mindfulness?  00:04:35
  • Maximize your energy and time: Time and body hacks for working moms  00:07:46
  • The power of single-tasking  00:12:24
  • How to shift gears and show up intentionally  00:14:29
  • How can brief reflection enhance your calendar?  00:18:05
  • Can you change your state without overthinking?  00:18:45
  • Discover these body-centric practices for clarity, focus, and calm  00:19:25
  • Clear your mind and embrace your body  00:27:16

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