Health & Well Being

Episode #270 – A self guided retreat to usher in the new year

December 27, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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As we get ready to turn the page and begin the new year, it’s a great time to slow down and reflect on the past one.

When we press pause on the typical rhythms of our lives and take a little time to review everything that has happened and what we’ve learned, we can use those insights to move forward.

So let’s set you up to host your own self-guided retreat.

What’s a self-guided retreat? Glad you asked.

It’s an intentional way to account for the growth you made in the past year and acknowledge any directional shifts you want to make going into the new year.

You can learn how to do one here today!

Listen in…

Show Highlights Include:

  • Why you should never start with a blank slate when planning your thinking day (and the correct way to approach your self-guided retreat). (02:54)
  • The basic tenets of how to execute a successful self-guided retreat. (05:28)
  • How choosing the right spot for your retreats allows you to connect with insights deep inside you (that you may have ignored previously). (06:36)
  • Why a guided, detailed step by step approach is essential for the success of your retreat. (08:00)
  • How being kind to yourself helps you gain a balanced perspective (on both the negative and positive aspects of the year). (11:21)
  • The true purpose of a self-guided retreat (and how using it to build a specific plan might confuse you). (12:30)
  • Why you should keep the insights discovered during your retreat experience sacred and to yourself. (15:13)


Download our free step-by-step Self-Guided Retreat here:

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