Productivity & Time Management

Episode #228 – The paradox of choice

March 8, 2022

I’m Cherylanne.
I am the trusted advisor ambitious women want in their corner to help them fully embody their potential.
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We’ve all gotten stuck making a decision… Whether it’s finding a new show on Netflix or buying a gallon of milk at the grocery store; the world feels like it has too many options.

And when our choices feel limitless, sometimes we freeze. That’s when having too many choices is no longer a good thing.

So yes, having options is good…but having too many options isn’t.

In this episode, you’ll learn two ways to pull yourself through the paradox of choice and make better decisions.

Show highlights include:

  • How to stop feeling paralyzed in indecision (or what we learned buying fancy jam). (2:50)
  • What you need to move past your ‘Honey Baked Ham dilemma’ and optimize for the best choice at hand. (4:40)
  • How to find the ‘sweet spot’ in the Satisfaction Curve and feel freedom in your decisions. (8:59)
  • How to transform trapped decision-making into joyful action you can live through today. (15:01)


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